Monday, January 16, 2012

Happy MLK Day!

I am off work today, so I am taking advantage of the time off (and house to myself!) to get some things crossed off my to-do list before going back to work tomorrow. So far, I have cleaned the house and cooked some Veggie Lentil "Meatballs" (yum!). For a midwest January day, it is actually pretty nice outside so I think I am going to take my pooch for a walk. But first.... I need to workout (groan). Don't get me wrong, I actually like working out most days but days like today it is something I just want to keep putting off. In January 2010 the H and I started doing P90X, we really liked it and saw good results so we did 4 (or 5? rounds..I lost count) including the Lean, Classic and even Doubles! I was hooked! I even became a coach with Beachbody because I believe in their products and saw first-hand what they did for my body. I later bought Insanity, did a couple rounds of that craziness and now I am on my 2nd round of an Insanity/P90X hybrid with some good ol' fashion running thrown in the mix. This type of routine is challenging, and at times I feel like I have no social life because I pretty much come home right after work and exercise. However, the workouts have kept me sane and I know it has made me a healthier person overall.
Back to my "meatballs"... I got the recipe from a friend and these are absolutely delicious! I put them on a wheat hoagie, with some marinara and low fat mozzarella cheese...Voila! You have a healthy lunch or dinner!
The mixture - doesn't look too appetizing but trust me..the stuff is good!
The finished product

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